06 May 2009

Yo Baby! Yo Messy!

I had asked the NP at the boys last appointment about giving them yogurt. She said it was fine as long as there wasn't sugar added. While we were in Williston I decided to go the easy route and bought some Yo Baby! instead of buying plain and mixing it with juice. At least to see how they like it. G and Z had it for breakfast yesterday. I never considered that the texture and consistency would change their ability to eat it. Yo Baby! is Yo Messy! for two little boys.


  1. Hope the Great Yogurt Experimnent wasn't a bust!
    Yup, Yobaby can be messy, but it's made with organic milk, with no artificial growth hormones, colors, additives, etc.

    Good for your boys and the planet!

    Stonyfield Farm
    (and a twin herself!)
