11 May 2009


Today is an absolute GORGEOUS day out! I knew it was going to be when I took the dogs out this morning and it was already in the 50s, yet not even 9:00am.

I had such a productive morning! I was able to vacuum, mop, dust everything in the house. As well as clean a few windows and blinds. Plus laundry. On top of getting a shower AND painting my toenails. It was surreal. Almost as if I didn't have two little boys to take care of. Which, I did as well of course!

At lunch I left the boys in their chairs so I could eat (yes, I even got LUNCH today!). I gave them a bunch of toys and away they played. Z took G's very favorite blue butterfly. And then G stole it back. After G got his very favorite blue butterfly back he sat in the very furthest corner of his chair from Z, leaned over the edge of the chair to be even FURTHER away and refused to look towards Z or me. Z sat there crying his little heart out.

After their afternoon nap, we walked down to the post office. On our way home we stopped in the park. That was when I noticed that some where between the grocery store and the park Z had lost a sock. I was already intent on getting the boys in the swings so I decided we could do without a sock.
Both boys LOVED to swing. Their smiles and giggles were beyond adorable. And they also sat on the grass for the first time. G pulled it out of the ground by handfuls. Fist full after fist full of grass came flying up from the ground as he sat there delighted with his "new trick".

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